Are you in pain from eye to eye? Learn the science behind eye strain caused by screens and how to avoid it.
Smartphones are ubiquitous in human life. Never in human history have more people been exposed to screens and UV light constantly.
In today's digital age, we constantly stare at screens, be it our phones, computers, or televisions. While technology has made our lives better, it has also brought new problems.
Eye strain is one such issue that has become increasingly common. In India, the complications caused by eye strains are rising among adults.
In a research study, over 94% of adults complained of some form of discomfort caused by prolonged exposure to smartphones or laptop screens,
In this blog, we will explore the science behind eye strain and discuss how to avoid it.
What's happening with the eye?
Eye strain occurs when we use our eyes for an extended period without giving them adequate rest. This leads to fatigue in the muscles responsible for focusing our eyes. While looking at screens, we blink less often, causing our eyes to become dry and irritated.
The severity of eye strain depends on several factors, such as the distance between your eyes and the screen, the quality of lighting in your environment, and your posture while using a device.
Prolonged use of screens can lead to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), characterised by symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, blurred vision, and dry eyes.
The blue light emitted by screens has been linked to disrupted sleep patterns, headaches, and eye strain.
How to protect your eyes from harmful screen rays?
You can avoid eye strain with some simple steps. To start with, remember to take frequent breaks. The 20-20-20 rule has been shown to give the most promising results.
In this method, after every 20 minutes of screen time, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This gives your eyes a chance to rest and readjust their focus.
Here are some more pointers to reduce screentime
1. Be conscious of your time spent online
Many of us check our phones first thing in the morning, as soon as we wake up, to check for updates, missed appointments, calls and more. It is a bad habit and must be reduced or regulated. Apps such as Instagram show your average spending time on the app. Be more aware of where you’re spending your time and make efforts to reduce it.
Want to read the news? Try reading newspapers instead of going online. If you like to read interesting things, pick up a book or print versions of stories. There are millions of books on every topic known to humankind. It is the simplest of habits that will make a world of difference in your life.
2. Do not eat and watch TV
How often have you fumbled to find the perfect video to watch while eating? Many of us worldwide are guilty of this. The popularity of food-based channels and mukbang videos on the internet is famous for this reason. However, eating only with the perfect video or a TV show becomes an addiction.
People can overeat if they are distracted, and that can cause obesity, which brings about a whole bunch of health issues. Remove this habit and make it a point to relish your food. Try noticing the colours of your meal, its aroma, and how it makes you feel. Reducing distractions will make you more connected to the joys of eating food.
3. Put your phone away and reduce blue light exposure
Your phone is the most significant contributor to blue light exposure. The long-term effects of blue light are still being studied, but it is observed that prolonged exposure is not suitable for your health. Try putting your phone on silent mode from time to time and look outside and do activities such as sports.
Try putting your phone away from your reach, maybe behind your laptop or workstation. Social media can be addictive, as can constant alerts on your phone. You can reduce your screen time by putting your phone out of your subconscious reach.
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